It was a big weekend for current Queen of the Crankworx leader Vaea Verbeeck and Kialani Hines at Crankworx Innsbruck. Verbeeck edged out Hines in the Dual Slalom while Kialani extended her winning streak in the Pump Track. On the men's side, Mitch Ropelato added a 2nd place in the Dual Slalom.
Thursday was the Dual Slalom and Pump Track events. Verbeeck and Hines battles to 1st and 2nd in the Dual slalom while Hines continued her dominance in the Pump Track event. Mitch Ropelato raced to a 2nd place finish.

Speed and Style combines elements of slopestyle and dual slalom as riders go head to head. Kyle Strait rode to a hard fought 2nd place over the rest of the field on Friday.

One of the most exciting events of the week was the men's and women's downhill race at Crankworx Innsbruck. Vaea added more points to her Queen of the Crankworx competition with a 5th place in Sunday's DH final.